CIO Podcast – Risk Management & Cybersecurity with Jesse Fasolo

For the 31st episode of the CIO podcast hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we sat down with ComplyAssistant client Jesse Fasolo, Director, Technology Infrastructure & Cyber Security, Information Security Officer at St. Joseph’s Health.  Fasolo provided a unique perspective since he’s the CISO at St. Joseph’s Health, but he also has responsibility for the infrastructure.  That means he has responsibility for both the security plan and the execution of many parts of that plan.  In this episode, we dive into his use of a framework and a risk management tool.  Plus, we ask him whether cloud or on-premise is more secure.

Here’s a look at the questions and topics we discuss in this episode:

  • What keeps you up at night?
  • What technologies help you sleep better at night?
  • I’ve seen you’re a fan of NIST; why do you like that framework?
  • What advice do you have for choosing a partner to help with risk management and your cybersecurity journey?
  • Is cloud or on-premise more secure, and how are they different from a security perspective?
  • What do you do to stay ahead of others in your work?
  • Finally, what’s the best advice you’ve been given in your career?

Now, without further ado, we’re excited to share the next episode of the CIO Podcast by Healthcare IT Today. To view the podcast, click here.

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