The Ever Evolving World of Cybersecurity Threats

ComplyAssistant’s Gerry Blass comments on the biggest threats to healthcare organizations that we should be concerned about in Healthcare IT…

Ken Reiher

5 Tips for Preventing Healthcare System Cyberattacks

ComplyAssistant's Gerry Blass comments on managing vendor relationships with due diligence and the importance of cybersecurity breach response plans in…

Ken Reiher

Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst, Plan Today

The evolution of the risk of successful cyberattacks has been evident since 2010—when the Affordable Care Act was signed and…

Ken Reiher

Healthcare Security and Risk – 2023 Health IT Predictions

Investments in cybersecurity will remain a top priority for healthcare executives. There are three specific gaps for provider organizations to…

Ken Reiher

CIO Podcast – Episode 46: Cybersecurity with Francois Bodhuin

Kenneth Reiher, VP Operations at ComplyAssistant once said “Many organizations have a difficult time tracking their vendor relationships, let alone their implemented…

Ken Reiher

Cybersecurity Risk Prevention in 2023: Three Gaps to Close

Health care investments in privacy and security are set to explode in the wake of ongoing cyberattacks and rising risk.…

Ken Reiher

Are You Vulnerable? Dig into HIPAA Risk Assessment and Risk Management

Cybersecurity threats in healthcare have posed serious risks and challenges for years. As a result, the government recognized the need…

Ken Reiher

HIPAA Audits: The Importance of Preparing and the Significance of Compliance

The use of health information technology becomes more prevalent in healthcare every day. As with most things, this presents pros…

Ken Reiher

The best barrier to extended downtime? Education and preparation

Critical applications, medical devices, protected health information (PHI), patient safety, and lives are all at risk when extended downtime occurs.…

Ken Reiher

Healthcare’s Cybersecurity Stakes Reach Alarming Levels

In a recent Health Financial Management Association article, our very own Gerry Blass gives voice to the importance of a…

Ken Reiher