
Author: Ken Reiher

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) for Extended Downtime

ComplyAssistant’s Gerry Blass describes the importance of Business Continuity Planning for Extended Downtime in New Jersey’s Healthcare Financial Management Association’s (HFMA) Focus Magazine (Summer 2023

The Many Upsides of HICP Compliance

In the latest interview conducted by Healthcare IT News, Gerry Blass, President & CEO, ComplyAssistant, and Frank Sinatra, Vice President of Information Technology & Chief Information

The Ever Evolving World of Cybersecurity Threats

ComplyAssistant’s Gerry Blass comments on the biggest threats to healthcare organizations that we should be concerned about in Healthcare IT Today’s “The Ever Evolving World

5 Tips for Preventing Healthcare System Cyberattacks

ComplyAssistant’s Gerry Blass comments on managing vendor relationships with due diligence and the importance of cybersecurity breach response plans in Digital Health Insight’s “5 Tips

Hope for the Best, Expect the Worst, Plan Today

The evolution of the risk of successful cyberattacks has been evident since 2010—when the Affordable Care Act was signed and resulted in a transition from paper to electronic medical records. Healthcare organizations began implementing new electronic medical record applications to comply with meaningful use (MU) requirements. Over the years, MU has introduced new criteria with a heavy focus on interoperability among applications. The combination of MU efforts, merger and acquisition activity, and the pandemic-induced remote workforce have increased healthcare organizations’ risk profiles, remaining a prime target for cyberattackers to do what they do best.

Healthcare Security and Risk – 2023 Health IT Predictions

Investments in cybersecurity will remain a top priority for healthcare executives. There are three specific gaps for provider organizations to watch in the year ahead: vendor risk management, internal audits, and disaster recovery plans.